Microsoft .NET Framework Technology
My Tech Notes
Microsoft Resources
- Versions Notes
- Microsoft .NET Framework Redistribution Package -
includes everything you need to run
applications developed using the .NET Framework.
- Microsoft .NET Framework SDK - includes
everything developers need to write, build, test, and deploy .NET
Framework applications—documentation, samples, and command-line tools
and compilers. You must install the .NET Framework Redistributable
Package version 2.0 prior to installing the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK.
- Microsoft .NET Compact Framework - enables development of
secure, downloadable applications on devices such as personal digital
assistants (PDAs), mobile phones, and set-top boxes.
- Framework Versions
- Microsoft .NET framework SDK 1.x (1.0, 1.1)
- Microsoft .NET framework SDK 2.0
- Bits
- x86 - 16 bit version - (I think Win XP is a 32 bit processor
- x64 - 64 bit version
- .NET Supported Programming Languages - runs on the CLR (Common
Language Runtime) so different languages can be used because the compiled
output of the Lanugage is CLR and not pure native code. .NET
application code is compiled into MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) and
stored in a file called an assembly.
- Visual C# .NET (C Sharp)
- Visual Basic .NET - VB
- Visual J# .NET (J Sharp) - supported if you also install the Visual
J# Redistribution Package.
- Visual Cobol
- ASP.NET (on IIS Servers)
- IDEs (Interactive Development Environments)
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
- OS (Operating Systems)
- Refer to Microsoft's site.
- Windows - XP, 2000
- ASP.NET - only MS IIS web server.